Privacy Policy

Data about you is stored in our database when you register on our site, make a purchase, subscribe to our newsletter or fill out a contact form. When placing an order or registering on our site, we may ask you for your name, email address, phone number, and credit or debit card information. It is important for you to know that we DO NOT store your card information. The name, email, RUT, physical address and telephone number of our clients will only be used to answer questions about our products and services and to dispatch orders. Under no circumstances will your data be sold or distributed to third parties. However, this information may be used internally for statistics and to improve products and services offered on our site.


The Company will only send you emails with your consent and you can stop it at any time. The purpose of these emails is to keep you informed of information that we believe may be useful to you.

Ownership of information on the site

All texts, images, logos, icons, source code and other content included in this site are property of Witral Chile. Users may reproduce or store the contents of Depto51 for their exclusive personal use. The reproduction of elements or contents of this website for profit or commercial purposes is expressly and strictly prohibited. Misuse of this information may result in civil and criminal penalties.


¿Como crear un cuadrado en telar?

En este video tutorial podras aprender a crear un cuadrado a través del telar cuadrado,